2020-2024 F250 & F350 Super Duty SunCoast Pro-Loc 10R140 Valve Body & Pump Kit Features:
- Improves reliability & fixes common 10R140 transmission issues
- Preserves clutch lifespan at increased power levels
- Provides improved lubrication to critical transmission components
- Shortens shift times and improves clutch engagement
- Drop-in replacement for stock
- Does not require IDS programming
With the SunCoast 10R140 Pro Loc valve body, SunCoast is addressing several key issues we have seen in regard to the 10R140 transmissions. This is not an approach that is simply bumping in more line pressure in hopes of ascertaining more clamping force; it’s a multi-faceted approach addressing several key issues when exposing these units to more demanding driving environments. These range from heavy towing and hauling to street racing and drag racing.
The factory 10R140 transmission lock-up circuit is an impressive one, in that it can make converter lockup seem somewhat uneventful. The refinement in its engagement is definitely next-level to what we have seen in the past. As nice as this feels in reference to the NVH (Noise Vibration Harshness), when we start introducing situations where the load demands are testing the limits or outside what the vehicle was initially designed for, it can become a huge problem.
In SunCoasts 10R140 Pro Loc Valve Body they are specifically looking to decrease the time from initial lock-up apply to zero turbine slip. In doing this, we are changing the lockup circuit by replacing the torque converter clutch (TCC) valve in order to increase lockup holding apply fluid pressure. The lockup oil transition time is also improved by modifying critical oiling circuits for the fluid to reach the TCC clutch, resulting in quicker apply time, and therefore, reducing TCC clutch degradation. By reducing degradation per apply cycle, SunCoast is allowing for improved reliability and performance.
(NOTE: For maximum results in power levels exceeding 800HP, it is highly recommended that the TCC apply offset be changed in the factory file calibration)
The next facet SunCoast addresses is the lube circuit. The lube circuit on the 10R140 transmission is responsible for supplying oil to the planets, clutches, bushings, etc. From the factory, the lube circuit oil is dispersed throughout the transmission as low as 6 PSI. Under normal load demands, this is perfectly acceptable. In more stressful and demanding situations, an increase in lubrication to clutches, steels, planets is ideal for removing heat and dealing with the increased demands.
In SunCoast's 10R140 Valve Body, pressure is increased in this circuit from 6 PSI to a whopping 20 PSI. This is a 250% improvement from the factory calibration, resulting in reduced frictional heat generated. This reduction in heat helps lessen premature failure that can become increasingly evident in high horsepower applications.
Another modification to the SunCoast Pro Loc 10R140 Valve Body involves the regulator valve (latch valve) circuit. This oil circuit is responsible for fully engaging the clutches, allowing for full clutch line pressure. In factory form, the regulator valve we are specifically targeting is responsible for A, B, C, and F clutch packs. Of course, the primary clutch pack concern is the 'F" clutch, which tends to be the first and most prominent clutch pack failure with the 10R140 in higher horsepower or more demanding environments.
In a factory 10R140 valve body calibration, the regulator valve (latch valve) becomes fully engaged, allowing full fluid flow for engagement at 120 psi. When this occurs, the oncoming clutch pack has maximal clamping force. When the clamping force is engaged to max capacity, we ascertain the greatest static and dynamic holding capacity. In stock form or even mildly modified vehicles, this is perfectly suitable; however, when we expose the vehicle to a more demanding environment this can be a weak link.
With the SunCoast 10R140 Valve Body they decrease the required pressure to fully engage the regulator to only 80psi. This is a 33% decrease in pressure needed to maximally engage the clutch regulator valve (latch valve) resulting in a quicker shift apply when engaging clutches A, B, C and F. This quicker engagement not only shortens shift times, but it also decreases the heat resonating in the clutch pack, preventing premature degradation and extending clutch life. To improve this shift calibration even more SunCoast is evacuating non-critical oil to increase apply rate.
The factory overall line pressure is modified on this new SunCoast pump/valve body combo. SunCoast is increasing overall main line pressure as much as 60psi. This additional line pressure not only increases maximal clamping force of the individual clutch packs but increases overall pump volume production. To reduce the potential for runaway pressure and the over-compression of clutch fibers, the SunCoast 10R140 Valve Body does have a built-in bypass, dumping excessive pressure above 420psi.
Features and Benefits
- Increased Line Pressure, as much as 60psi
- Increased clamping force on all clutch packs
- 250% Increase in Cooler Charge Pressure
- Increased Lock-up Apply Pressure
- 33% Decrease in Maximal Pressure Actuation of Clutch Packs
- Shortened Shift Times
- Improved Clutch Wear
- 2020-2024 F250 with 10R140 transmission
- 2020-2024 F350 with 10R140 transmission
- 2020-2024 F450 with 10R140 transmission
For 10R140 transmissions only: this valve body and pump kit will only fit F250, F350, and F450 models equipped with 10-speed 10R140 transmissions. It will not fit 6.2L Super Dutys equipped with 6-speed 6R140 transmissions. Please verify your truck's transmission type before ordering.